mercoledì 17 luglio 2013

[2013] DiSturbi #2: la sessione estiva di _Anth3m_

'Sup. It's all in the info file, guys. Have a nice time.


01. Operation: Tracker
02. Stress Disorder
03. >track title goes here< [lazy unrelated quote]
04. Das Kathedrale
05. Railway Suicide
06. Blackout!
07. A song to Apathy
08. Northern Waste
09. Spit

Artist: _Anth3m_
Album: DiSturbi #2: la sessione estiva di _Anth3m_
Year: 2013
Bitrate: 320 kbps
Genre: Electronic, Dubstep (?), Stresscore, Cazzi e mazzi (i don't know the english equivalent, sorry)

giovedì 6 giugno 2013

[2013] Data Stream - _Anth3m_


01 - S.S.S.S. (Synthetic Sonic Soul Shredder)
02 - Videogame Inferno 2.0
03 - Fuga dal sotteraneo
04 - Rock Fluttershy's Emotions (Kitsune^2 sort-of cover)
05 - Abisso di ferro, il porcile senza porci
06 - La città grigia
07 - Rain of mercury - attack of the alien ants [Doom Jaws unreleased track] (Bonus Track)

Artist: _Anth3m_
Data Stream
Year: 2013
Bitrate:320 kbps
8bit/Chiptune/Elettronica/Elettronica Ambient/VIULEEENZA

sabato 9 febbraio 2013

_Anth3m_ - lecoseacaso

Sup guys. The other day i found myself listening to some of my jam sessions and i thought: "hey, these aren't so bad, why not releasing them?" So here they are, seven tracks that represents my best results at improvisation: these are recordings of me using my Casio (tracks 1,2), my Nintendo DS (tracks 4,5) and my guitar with my effect station (tracks 3,6,7). I hope you have fun listening to these tracks almost as much as i did playing them. And if you notice dissonances or evident mistakes, remember this: these are jam sessions, not premeditated tracks, and most of the time I paly, I don't have even the slightest idea of what i'm doing. Oh, last two notes: there is no manipulation of any sort on these tracks, and the date between parenthesis is the date of recording. See you next time, hoping it doesn't take too long.

01. welp (04-11-2011)
02. creepyweepybeeps (04-01-2012)
03. no title here, sorry (14-02-2012)
04. hai guise, imma scratching and stuff(12-12-2012)
05. elettronica minimale e un tantino dissonante a buffo (15-12-2012)
06. la noia e il tape echo (02-01-2013)
07. saaaaadness (03-01-2013)

Artist name: _Anth3m_
Album title: lecoseacaso
Genre: Experimental, electronic, ambient, post-rock(????)
Bitrate: 320 kpbs